Final Conference
Final Conference
The Municipal Nautical Center of Freixo (Outes) hosted the final events (transnational coordination meeting and final forum) of the European project Circular.rur, integrated into the Erasmus+ program and involving institutions from Galicia, Croatia, Ireland, Germany, Italy, and Greece on January 17th and 18th. The project had a total budget of €252,931.00, fully financed by the Erasmus+ program. The project leader is the Outes City Council, with other partners including the Association of Local Development Professionals of Galicia (AFIPRODEL) from Spain; WIN Consultants Ltd and Meath County Council from Ireland; Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gemeinnützige GmbH (HWWI) from Germany; Comune di Capannori from Italy; Lokalna akcijska grupa Zagorje Sutla (LAG ZS) from Croatia; and ATLANTIS from Greece.
The project aimed to promote the transfer of innovative knowledge about Circular Economy and the development of new business models based on it, meeting the expectations of national and European labor markets and providing new activation opportunities against current challenges, fostering more modern and sustainable rural environments. This was achieved through the intelligent support of rural development professionals to future entrepreneurs of rural Europe.
The project’s transnational coordination meeting took place on January 17th, exclusively for representatives of partner organizations. Activities were open to media, stakeholders, and the general public on January 18th at the Municipal Nautical Center of Freixo (Porto Street, 85, 15288 O Freixo de Sabardes, Outes, A Coruña). This day hosted the project’s Final Forum, starting with participant registration. An official opening and welcome words from the Outes City Council and AFIPRODEL followed.
Xavier Vence Deza, specialist in Sustainability and Circular Economy and professor of Applied Economics at the University of Santiago de Compostela, introduced Circular Economy. Representatives from Limeup (Italy) and WIN Consultants (Ireland) presented the Change4Good project.
After a coffee break, the results of the Circular.rur project were presented, including the Smart Guidance on Business Models of Circular Economy for Rural Development guide, methodology for tool and resource utilization by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics; the “Digital Toolbox For Smart Specialisation On Circular Economy” by Meath County Council; the “MOOC for Smart Advice on New Circular Business Models” by WIN Consultants; and the “Interactive Platform for Training and Smart Advice of Rural Entrepreneurs in Circular Economy” by ATLANTIS.
A “Circular Economy Entrepreneurship Showcase” followed. The day concluded with refreshments. All activities on the second day were free, though registration was required.